*This episode
was pretty cool. We must like it since Buffy and Angel did
kiss, after all. But Xander is getting on our nerves so...nevermind.*
This episode starts out with everyone (but Buffy) is hanging out at The
Bronze. They wonder where Buffy is and think up the idea that she might
have a secret boyfriend. She shows up and realizes what they are talking
Faith shows up and they both go out slaying.
The next scene is back in the abandoned mansion where Angel is staying.
Buffy and Angel are doing Judo (or something weird
like that) and Angel leans over towards Buffy and holds her hands. They
both almost get completely swept away in the moment but they never quite
kiss. Buffy rushes out (why she is so stupid, we do not know) when she realizes
that she really wants to kiss Angel. Buffy meets back up with Faith but
Faith says she will take over slaying for the night. Buffy seizes this opportunity
to return to Angel. (but we don't know this for a couple more scenes :)
Xander sets out on a journey to find Buffy, he accidentally spots Angel
outside of the mansion. Xander is absolutely shocked but he secretly follows
Angel for further investigation. Xander peers into one of the windows to
see Buffy and Angel making out with immense passion. (Yes, this is the first
time we've seen them kiss-this ENTIRE season!)

Xander holds off on confronting Buffy so he heads
over to Giles' house.
Buffy and Angel break their kiss suddenly, realizing what they are doing.
It's quite apparent that they both totally miss each other, but for some
reason, they feel that it would be best to stay away from each other. So
Buffy leaves the mansion and a very shaken Angel.

Giles is chatting with Faith's new watcher,Gwendolyn Post, in his home when
Xander shows up.
(Ms. Post is pushy and mean, Giles and her do not
get along.) Xander tells Giles the problem in private.
Buffy shows up at the library the next day to find everyone, but Faith awaiting
her arrival. They all confront Buffy and insist that what she is doing is
wrong. (Like she can't tell if Angel is evil or something!)

They all argue back and forth for a little while
(while Willow attempts to keep peace with Buffy). Xander is a jerk as usual
and nothing really is resolved at this moment.

Willow completely understands why Buffy was lying because she's doing a
little bit of lying herself (that kissing Xander situation). Willow tries
to explain to Buffy what has been going on between her and Xander, but is
interrupted when Buffy has to slay a vampire.

Buffy slays the vampire, but by this time, Willow
lost her courage to tell Buffy.
Xander tells Faith that Angel is alive and Faith immediately wants to kill
him. Xander agrees and they head over to the library for weapons. They find
Giles there on the floor in a pool of blood.
(Faith's supposed new watcher just hit Giles on
the head when she got the info she needed from him about this 'powerful
glove' that Angel has in his possession.)

Xander is too concerned about Giles to fight so
Faith heads out without him. Xander calls an ambulance that shows up as
Buffy arrives. Xander accidentally tells Buffy that Faith has set out to
kill Angel so Buffy rushes out (after making sure that Giles is okay) to
save Angel. Buffy finds Faith just about to slay our still weakened Angel
and Buffy engages in a fight with Faith.

They fight violently as more and more people show
up. Faith's supposed watcher has everyone fooled except for Giles (who is
presently at the hospital). While Faith and Buffy are fighting, Gwendolyn
tells Angel to get the glove out. Once she gets a hold of the glove, she
immediately puts it on and embraces its power.
She zaps lightning at a lot of stuff and ultimately
tries to kill Willow, but Angel saves her ;)

Faith and Buffy wrap up their fighting when they
realize that Ms. Post is the evil one (not Angel).
Buffy immediately takes action against her and
throws a piece of broken glass at her, slicing her arm off (this was one
of the only solutions since the story behind the glove is that once it's
been put on, it cannot be removed). Lighting strikes her and yet another
bad guy has been vanquished.

The next day at school is a little bit awkward as everyone tries to make
up with Buffy. Xander admits that Angel is 'okay' with him just as long
as he and Buffy don't get "pelvic."
(We are so disgusted with Xander right now. He's
a jealous little brat.) Buffy and Xander, technically make up and all is
well yet again.
The End