"Faith, Hope & Trick"
We thought this episode was much better than the first two of
this season since so much happened and was resolved. Think about it... Giles
and Willow found out exactly what happened when Buffy killed Angel, Faith
showed up, they killed a huge demon guy, a new villain named "Mr. Trick"
showed up, and last but totally not least...Angel came back in a very immodest
form ;) Enjoy,
This episode starts out when you meet a very likable
vampire named Mr. Trick. He's talking to this malevolent, 'not so fun' vampire
that remains in the shadows for the majority of this scene. They discuss
how wonderful Sunnydale will be and that their true mission is to kill 'the
slayer'.(Big freakin deal)

The next scene is another one of Buffy's dreamy
dreams which thankfully includes, Angel.

They begin by dancing but Buffy's claddagh ring
falls off her finger and Angel leans to pick it up.

He gets angry saying in a shaky tone,"I loved
you" and he clenches the ring in his hand until it bleeds. Buffy apologizes
and tries to explain her reasoning, but before she can, Angel's face turns
The next day in Principal Snyder's office, Buffy
and Joyce meet with him to discuss Buffy's readmission to school.
He slaps a bunch of tests and restrictions on her
before they can leave.
Buffy moves onto the library accompanied by Willow.
Giles asks Buffy about the night she killed Angel because he supposedly
needs the info for a binding spell on Acathla. (the demon that was going
to suck the world into Hell, sorry if we misspelled it)
This brings up some issues that Buffy would rather
not discuss so she simply tells them that she stabbed him. (nothing about
him getting his soul back)
Later, at the Bronze, Buffy meets up with Willow
and Oz who are momentarily making out.
Xander and Cordelia join them after awhile and
the old gang is having a nice conversation when they spot this really weird
couple of people dancing.(disco or something)
Buffy recognizes the guy as a vampire so she follows
the couple outside to save the 'helpless' girl. Well, you find out that
the girl is Faith, the next vampire slayer called after Kendra.

Faith slays the vampire and shocks everyone with
her knowledge of Buffy. They move back into the Bronze where Faith tells
stories about her travels and slaying. Everyone but Buffy is in awe.
Everyone is in the library at school the next day
when Faith meets Giles. Faith says that Giles is young and hot(or something
to that effect)as Buffy and Willow are utterly disgusted. Faith explains
how her watcher is on a 'watcher retreat' so she figured she'd stop by and
say hello to the famous "B".
You finally meet the mega bad guys of this episode
as they discuss their plot to...you guessed it...create chaos, havoc, etc.
Buffy and Faith are patrolling when they get into
an argument over Angel. Faith has no idea how much Angel meant to her so
she is a bit harsh while discussing the subject. Buffy snaps back at Faith
telling her to never speak about him again, and let's just say, the spat
gets a little bitter from there.

A couple vampires show up, and while slaying them,
Buffy finds out that Faith has some serious issues.
The next day, Buffy tells Giles about last night's
incident and that one of the vampires had mentioned something about "kissing
Giles recognizes Buffy's crude interpretation of
the famous vampire and consults his books. Buffy concludes that this demon
has something to do with Faith and plans to talk to her later.
Buffy runs into this Scott guy that has been bugging
her to go out with him all episode. (not a good sign! if you want to know
why we fear Scott, check out our Rumors page) She actually agrees to go
out with him. Scott then pulls out a box and hands it to Buffy. The person
that sold it to him said that it stands for friendship. Buffy opens the
gift to find that it's a claddagh ring. Harsh memories pop into Buffy's
mind and she drops the box with tears in her eyes.

Scott is totally hurt and surprised so he quickly
picks up the ring, and rushes off. He considerately tells Buffy not to worry
about going out since he interprets this as a very negative sign for any
future with her.
Buffy composes herself and speaks to Giles before
heading over to Faith's place.
Buffy confronts Faith about the fact the demons
that followed her and that her watcher was killed.(instead of being on that
watcher retreat) Faith is shocked and starts to pack her bags but Mr. Trick
and friends interrupt this bonding moment between the slayers. They all
fight and they kill the horrible demon guy that killed Faith's watcher.
They are both famished so they head out for a meal.
The next day at school Buffy meets up with Willow
and Giles in the library. She tells them how Angel had a soul when she killed
him. (and the rest of the story) Willow is totally bummed as Buffy walks
out to find Scott.
Buffy finally finds him and begins her apology.
He is jokingly distant toward Buffy at first but he accepts her apology
and they reinstate their (shiver) "date."

In the next scene you see Buffy in very dark and
very large gothic room. You quickly recognize this as the last place Buffy
and Angel saw each other before she sent him to Hell. She slowly walks towards
the center of this enormous room where Angel stood before the summer began.
Sadly, she puts her claddagh ring on the floor. Trying to put Angel in the
past, and completely giving up hope on him, she says goodbye and walks away.
The ring lays on the floor and the light fades.
Then, all of a sudden, a bright light beams on
the ring and it starts to shake. The ring, by some unknown force is bringing
Angel back. It may be just the ring itself that brought him back since it
is the embodiment of the love they once had. Or, all Buffy had to do was
to lose all hope for Angel, with that somehow pulling him from Hell. (which
she did when she placed the ring down) We don't know how or why he comes
back, but shortly after the ring lights up, Angel falls from what seems
to be nothing onto the cold ground of this dark, empty room. He lays there
(totally naked) for a moment, but realizes the pain that he is no longer
in and struggles to lift his head.

The End (see below for a special treat :)