"All Men Are Beasts" and/or "Beauty
and the Beasts"
*** Great episode. We were very much pleased to
see Angel again. Plus it had some really funny and really sad parts all
rolled together to make a nifty episode.
This episode begins a couple weeks after the last
one so Buffy and Scott have already been out a few times(barf). Well, it's
a full moon out so Willow and Xander are taking turns keeping Oz locked
up while he is a werewolf. Buffy and Faith have gotten used to their patrolling
of the graveyard as a team and everyone is semi-okay. Buffy has to see a
counselor as one of principal Snyder's regulations to stay in school so
she heads over to the counselor's office.

He and Buffy hit it off pretty good and Buffy kind
a likes him. He somewhat forces her to confront her major Angel issues (without
giving away any demon stuff, of coarse).

So Buffy eventually leaves the counselor's office
with some serious thoughts on her mind.
That night, Buffy is out on patrol when she comes
across Angel. She's shocked at first, but he attacks her (he's not in his
right mind at the moment) so her fighting skills take over and she pins
him to the ground.
She drags him into the mansion where he 'died'
and chains him up where. She keeps a safe distance from him because he keeps
thrashing (he's still a little psycho from that Hell experience). She see's
the burn mark on the floor where Angel first came back.

With many unanswered questions, Buffy returns to
the library to take over 'Oz watching' and to try and find out how Angel
came back and why he is so violent.

Giles wakes her the next morning and sees that
she was reading about Acathla (sorry again if it's misspelled). So Buffy
presents this hypothetical situation to him saying what would it take for
Angel to come back, and when he got back, what condition he would be in.
Giles informs her that he would have to have a very strong will to survive
for that amount of time in Hell.
Buffy returns to the mansion to find Angel curled
in the corner of the room.

She speaks to him and gently approaches, but he
thrashes and growls at her so she runs to school and to the counselor's
office for her 2:00 appointment with him.
Buffy walks in a starts pouring her heart out about
Angel, telling the shrink not to turn around in his chair until she is finished.

After she is done pouring she waits for his replay
but he says nothing. She turns the chair around to find him bloody and dead.
Then we find ourselves watching two love birds
making out in a closet. The guy finds an empty glass and confronts the girl
about why it is empty (what was in it must have been his) She says that
she poured it out because she didn't like what the substance did to him.
He gets furious and beats the girl up.

Meanwhile in the library everyone is asking where
Oz is because he has to get chained up before the sun sets. Then it flashes
to Oz standing in the quad waiting on someone. The girl that has just been
beat up in the previous scene, comes walking up. They talk and then she
leaves and Oz proceeds to the library.
Oz walks into the library where he is confronted
by a VERY joyous Willow. She tells him that he is off the hook and they
don't suspect him of the killings anymore. Half the group leaves to go find
the animal guy and half leave to go find they beat up girl. Buffy and Cordy
find the girl in the bathroom trying to cover up her bruises. Buffy convinces
her to tell them where the guy is.
While all this is happening, Angel is in the mansion
trying to free himself.

The next scene is Oz in the library all chained
up in his cage, and then they show the animal boy come in and start accusing
Oz of trying to steal his girlfriend (the beat up girl). Oz warns him that
he better leave, because something bad is going to happen. Well, needless
to say it happens; animal boy and Oz (Mr. Werewolf) get into a fight and
everyone comes running. Buffy chases him in to this dark room (of course)
while the other chase down Oz. The animal guy is kicking Buffy's butt, but
just in the nick of time our beautiful Angel comes in to save the day!
Angel kills animal boy and turns to face Buffy.
She looks at him, and he looks at her, then his face turns normal and he
starts to cry.

He grabs Buffy and holds her as she stands, shocked
to finally have all of her dreams come true, by some miracle.

Buffy consoles Scott at school the next day (two
of his friends are dead, oh well he can handle it!)

...and promptly flees school to keep a close eye
on her Angel.

In the last seen we see Angel in a disturbed sleep
on the floor of the mansion. Buffy is just sitting there watching him.
The End