****Like our
nifty little representation of Buffy and Angel's happy Christmas? Well...okay
the entire episode wasn't happy in fact some parts were down right
tear jerking but that's okay. This episode was fantastic! We're thinking
that Buffy and Angel have finally worked their issues out and are back together
again but nothing is definite right now. We snapped over 3 times the usual
amount (almost 100 images from this episode.) This was simply a wonderful
episode. Buffy and Angel are back together which makes us completely oblivious
to everything else :) But we managed to get past that and we saw plot in
this episode and it was wonderful.
Our Christmas special starts out as Buffy and her
mother are searching for Christmas trees. There is one odd spot in the lot
where every Christmas tree has died. It's very strange but nobody thinks
much of it at the time.
Then we see the gorgeous Angel in his bed having
some very nasty nightmares about his bloody past. The next day, Buffy invites
Faith to spend Christmas at her house but Faith formulates some pathetic
excuse and says that she can't come.
Angel pays a visit to a very un-welcoming Giles
because of his disturbing dreams. Angel starts to tell Giles what has been
going on when Ms. Calendar (just her image, it's not her really) shows up
behind Giles. Angel freaks out and flees the scene.
We again see Angel attempting to get some sleep
but he dreams of some more of his victims and the crimes he has committed.
As he is biting some woman (in a very ugly mustache might we add) Buffy
shows up and shocks Angel as well as herself. They both wake up from the
same dream. This little event leaves Buffy very worried so she speaks
to Giles about this dream the next day at school. Giles tells Buffy (after
a little coaxing on her part) that Angel had approached him before about
the dreams. Xander walks in and (very sweetly) offers to help Angel out.
Buffy is happily shocked and Willow joins in eventually. Willow and Buffy
have a little chat about Willow's deal with Oz. Willow is glad to tell Buffy
that Oz is starting to forgive her and they have a little date planned.
Buffy shows her jealousy and loneliness (she's presently Angel-less) but
Willow doesn't seem to notice very much. Angel is now having waking dreams
and his 'ghosts' are taunting him more frequently. Ms. Calendar acts as
the leader and continuously tries to convince Angel that he is an evil thing.
She says that it is his destiny to be evil and that there is nothing he
can do to change it.
We now see Buffy who has apparently dozed off on
the floor. Angel, too, has fallen asleep and they begin to dream. Buffy
finds herself in her pajamas in what seems to be the deserted mansion that
Angel now calls home. Angel finds her and sits on the bed with her and holds
her, at first. They start to very passionately kiss (these poor kids have
so much sexual tension it's not even funny!). Without question Buffy and
Angel shed their clothes and start to...well, have sex. (This is a little
more explicit than their first time on TV. Is stuff like this allowed on
cable?) Well this scene is much more romantic (it's so sweet!)
than we could possibly depict and much more explicit than we would like
to depict. Buffy and Angel show their joy in their facial expressions on
their conscious bodies while they are dreaming (pretty funny :) So, needless
to say, they climax, but Angel suddenly turns vampire and-sadly enough-bites
Buffy. They then see these freaky looking creature with no eyes, and then
they both wake up in a shocked state as usual. Buffy tells Giles of this
creature she saw in her dream with Angel while trying to keep their erotic
little dream private. Angel wakes to find Ms. Calendar, who continues to
taunt him. Angel is becoming very emotionally weak by this point and begins
to almost believe what Ms. Calendar is telling him. (The fact that he will
always be an evil thing no matter what.) She also tries to convince him
that he must kill Buffy (suck her blood) to be free of the spirits that
are haunting him. He refuses to listen.
The gang has found some more stuff out about what,
exactly, is haunting Angel. They discover that it is something called the
"First Evil" and is more evil than anything. (Okay so what.) Buffy
and Xander go and ask the vampire snitch guy about this "Evil."
The only information that he gives away is the fact that it lives (dwells
or whatever) underground somewhere in Sunnydale. Buffy is dismayed, but
Xander assures her that they will get to the bottom of it and to just go
home and enjoy her holiday.
We now see Willow in a very cute little outfit
inviting Oz in. Willow informs Oz that she is ready to have sex with him
(even though she can't quite say the word). Oz is very moved by Willow's
kind gesture but he declines the offer and says that he wants it to be special
when they do make love.
Buffy is back at home helping to decorate her and
her mother's Christmas tree when Faith shows up. Faith decided to accept
their invitation after all. Buffy runs up to her room to get some Christmas
presents and finds a very upset Angel there. Angel is very weak (from Ms.
Calender's little persuasions) and cannot take his eyes off of Buffy's neck.
He realizes what he is about to do and hops out the window before he could
risk Buffy's life. Very worried, Buffy heads over to see Giles and tell
him about Angel's fast regression. They both realize that Angel might lose
control if immediate action is not taken.
Back at the mansion, Ms. Calender is angry to find
that Angel has not killed Buffy yet so she lays the guilt on Angel. He now
feels as if there is only one option. He thinks that he will not be able
to control himself any more so to prevent any harm to Buffy, he walks outside
and waits for the sunrise. Giles and Buffy dig into every book they can
find in hopes of finding some answers. Giles reads the cryptic clue, nothing
grows above or below, and is let down until Buffy realizes where the 'First
Evil' is residing. She remembers the Christmas tree lot where every tree
in a certain area had died. She returns to this place, and after a little
hacking at the ground she finds herself in the home of the First Evil that
appears to be Ms. Calendar. Ms. Calendar tells Buffy that Angel will be
dead by sunrise. Once Buffy realizes what the First Evil was telling her,
she hurries out to find Angel.
She finds him on a small terrace overlooking the
rest of Sunnydale. She tells him that he mustn't die. They argue back and
forth (a very emotional scene that we cannot depict as always). Angel insists
that he is an evil thing that must die. Buffy tries her very hardest to
get him inside without saying those special little words. She even tries
to forcefully bring him inside but her emotions impair her strength and
Angel knocks her onto the ground. He tries to convince her of what he has
convinced himself but it doesn't work. (By this point our poor two kids
are both crying.) In a moment of anguish and passion Buffy tells Angel that
she loves him so much. She says she knows what evil he has done because
he did it all to her. This somewhat breaks Angel's heart and he lets her
up. Buffy says that if she cannot convince him that he can do good
than he will die because there is no one more capable. She says that he
will be a coward if he gives up now because they both have to fight every
day. (And they kind of decide they need each other for this 'fighting'.)
As the situation calms, it starts to snow. Almost as a sign of peace and
forgiveness, the warm little town of Sunnydale has been converted to a beautiful
winter. We then see Buffy and Angel walking down the snowy streets of Sunnydale
holding hands. We must infer that they have resolved Angel's conflicts,
and that they are back together to help themselves cope and to help fight
against the rampant evil in Sunnydale.